It is inevitable that there will be those who question the validity of information presented in our fundraising trailer. We welcome this and congratulate you for being intellectually curious about this subject ! Below is the breakdown of shots (with references) used in our fundraising trailer. Any questions ? Head on over to our FORUMS post questions or leave accolades :-)
Footage |
Dialog |
Details |
Audio: Gavel Banging
On November 14, 2002, the Committee on Government Reform held a hearing entitled “Mercury in dental amalgams: An examination of the science“.
Diane Watson:
Is mercury toxic ? Lawrence Tabak:
Elemental mercury is toxic.
Diane Watson:
Silver amalgam fillings does it contain mercury ? |
Congresswoman Diane Watson (D) California, asks pointed questions to Lawrence Tabak, Director of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) about the toxicity of elemental mercury and the makeup of “silver” dental amalgam, mercury fillings. The transcript from this hearing can be downloaded here (video of the full hearing is presented below).
Lawrence Tabak:
It does. Diane Watson:
Almost up to 50%? Lawrence Tabak:
![]() EPA / ATSDR |
Diane Watson:
Mercury is a toxic substance. |
Animation of elemental mercury spilling from a jar, taken from the video “Don’t mess with mercury” a public service announcement (PSA) done in collaboration with The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).
{youtube}8kf6XshkBZo{/youtube} |
Sue Casteel |
Sue Casteel:
A lot of us have dental amalgams that contains mercury… |
In 1994 The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry compiled the “Toxicological Profile on Mercury” (revised in 1999). Sue used this ATSDR compiled information as a reference for our questions. An overview of the toxicological profile on mercury can be read here, and a copy of the original report can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.
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A compilation of pictures showing dental
amalgam in the mouth and in xrays.
According to a National Zogby Poll, conducted in 2006. 70+% of Americans did not know that dental amalgam fillings contained roughly 50% elemental mercury. Thus, we felt it was necessary to specifically show exactly what “dental amalgam ” looks like.
Sue Casteel |
Sue Casteel:
…and anywhere from 4 – 19 micrograms of mercury per day can leech out of your
amalgams into your body.
In section 1.3 of the toxicological profile for mercury, HOW MIGHT I BE EXPOSED TO MERCURY? ATSDR states: “Estimates of the amount of mercury released from dental amalgams range from 3 to 17 micrograms per day (μg/day).”
On page 225 of the ATSDR document it states: “Weiner and Nylander (1995) estimated the average uptake of mercury from amalgam fillings in Swedish subjects to be within the range of 4-19 hg/day.”
While there is no definitive amount that health authorities point to, it is this level we believe Sue is quoting. Please check out the picture below as Mark Richardson PhD has graphed all the amalgam risk assessment studies performed thus far. The lowest amounts are found by Rodney Mackert, spokesperson for the American Dental Association (ADA).
![]() IAOMT
Smoking Tooth: Poison Gas |
Smoking Tooth:
Video of mercury vapor coming off a 25 yr
old tooth.
Since elemental mercury releases an odorless, colorless, invisible toxic vapor, we thought it would be helpful if people could see this vapor visualized. In the video below, Boyd Haley PhD explains the process of atomic absorbtion, which is key to visualizing the shadow of mercury vapor.
![]() Mark Richardson PhD
Published Scientist |
Mark Richardson PhD:
A single amalgam filling delivers
micrograms of mercury, which in mercury
terms, is a lot.
So why would we use Mark Richardson PhD as our voice of authority for this statement? Because even though the FDA unsucessfully courted him to work with them on the dental amalgam issue in 2010, Mark ended up performing the first US based amalgam risk assessment (later published in 2011), which found that over 120 million Americans are exposed to levels of mercury from their dental amalgam fillings higher than safety levels as set by The California EPA (0.03 u/m3). Those numbers fall to over 60 million Americans if one uses the flawed 20 year old safety levels developed by the EPA (0.3 ug/m3).
![]() EPA / ATSDR |
Chris Shade PhD:
Mercury is vaporizing from the amalgams
and you have 80% absorbtion through the
It is well established in the scientific literature that new amalgams release hundreds of micrograms of mercury (Frykolm 1957, supplied by FDA). These levels fall considerably within the first three months, but still remain higher than established safety levels (especially those made with a high percentage of copper). It is also well established that our lungs absorb approximately 80% of inhaled mercury vapor (EPA, ATSDR).
![]() Chris Shade PhD |
Chris Shade PhD:
This is a fairly dangerous scenario.
Chris Shade PhD is owner of Quicksilver Scientific a lab devoted to testing for mercury through a unique speciation process he developed. In the video below Chris explains why we should be concerned about mercury vapor exposure and how mercury affects or biological systems.
You Put What In My Mouth? |
You put what in my mouth? exposes the
negligence of dentists as they disregard
manufacturer warnings and occupational
safety regulations.
Amalgam manufacturer warnings come in the form of Material Safety Data Sheets. The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires the provision of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any hazardous material that poses a threat to employees in a workplace. The purpose of the MSDS is to protect workers by supplying them with the most crucial facts about the hazardous material at their jobsite, such as the physical properties of the material, proper storage and handling techniques, known health risks and essential emergency procedures.
Picture of amalgam label and warnings.
The startling thing about the dental amalgam label as was issued from most manufacturers is the inclusion of the ADA SEAL OF ACCEPTANCE. It is interesting to note that in order for a company to use the ADA seal, they require the following…Proof of Manufacturer Safety, Evidence of Purity and Uniformity, Laboratory Studies and Clinical Trials. It is hard to image the ADA having access to this information (proof of safety) from amalgam manufacturers when those same manufactures have never proven safety as required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Not surprisingly the ADA withdrew the use of their seal from amalgam manufacturers around 2006, in advance of the FDA dental products panel meeting on amalgam.
This documentary investigates the effects
of dental mercury on patients, staff…
Most dentists do not inform consumers that amalgam contains mercury. As a result, over 76% of consumers do not know that amalgam is mainly mercury according to Zogby polls. But once they are informed, 77% of people do not want mercury fillings – and they were even willing to pay more to avoid this unnecessary source of mercury exposure.
Know About Hazardous Chemicals:
…and the environment.
Dental Mercury’s Toxic Journey: Back into the environment.
In 2007, Alex Cain of the EPA published a study in the Journal of Industrial Ecology that evaluated the Substance Flow Analysis of Dental Mercury Releases Into The Environment. His comprehensive analysis evaluated several release pathways of dental mercury that had not been investigated before. The findings of the study show that the combined total of all dental mercury releases are much more significant than previously thought and warrant being addressed by our government. Dental office discharges to sewage treatment plants are estimated at 5.5 tonnes, consistent with a recent estimate of 6 tonnes (Vandeven and McGinnis 2005). An additional estimated 1.2 tonnes is discharged to sewage treatment in human wastes as a result of gradual erosion of dental amalgam fillings.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010, the Domestic Policy Subcommittee held a hearing entitled “Assessing EPA’s Efforts to Measure and Reduce Mercury Pollution from Dentist Offices.” The purpose of the hearing was to examine actions undertaken by EPA and other stakeholders to improve measurement of and limit mercury pollution from dental sources. Video provided by the U.S. House of Representatives.
![]() Jim Love |
Jim Love:
When dentists go to dental school, they are
taught that mixed dental amalgam is
completely inert.
Jim Love is an attorney for The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. He has a long history of dealing with lawsuits surrounding all aspects of dental mercury.
ADA Spokesperson
Ada Cooper:
The amount of mercury vapor that’s
released from amalgam resorations
is so minute.
This footage was from an NBC news segment which featured Ada Cooper promoting the safety of dental amalgam. Ironically it shows her working with a freshly made amalgam while saying “the amount of mercury vapor that’s released from amalgam restorations is so minute”. In actuality the amount of mercury released from a new amalgam filling is hundreds of times higher than established safety levels.
Jim Love:
When a dentist goes in to grind out an
amalgam filling.
Jim Love represented dentist David Barnes, who sued Kerr Corp., the largest manufacturer of dental amalgam in the United States, alleging that he had suffered a myriad of neurological injuries as a result of his occupational exposure to mercury. Dr. Barnes argued that Kerr’s warnings were inadequate because they discussed only mercury, not mixed dental amalgam. Kerr argued that its warnings never represented that mercury was any less toxic when mixed.
3,447 ug/m3 released |
Jim Love:
He is creating tremendous quantities of mercury particulate.
Here’s an aspect you never hear the American Dental Association (ADA) offer any specifics on… the amount of mercury generated during the removal of amalgam fillings. Sure, the ADA will say getting an amalgam removed MAY expose the patient to more mercury. But the context sorely needed is this. Mercury exposure during placement, polishing and removal are unavoidable. Additionally, the levels generated during removal are thousands of times over safety limits.
GFX of dental drill
Mark Richardson PhD:
Their dental drill runs at about 400,000 rpm |
Amalgam particles |
Mark Richardson PhD:
And it sends a shower of micron sized and
submicron sized particles everywhere.
Mark is extremely familiar with this aspect of mercury released since he researched and published a study entitled, Inhalation of Mercury-Contaminated Particulate Matter by Dentists: An Overlooked Occupational Risk in the Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment in 2003. A video of him discussing the findings of his study is below.
Mark Richardson PhD:
It’s tens of thousands of parts per million.
When the exposures in this study are added up, one gets the following levels.
Vapour inhaled during 4 removals (approx 40 minutes total) = 0.067 mg.
Vapour inhaled during rest of time in office = 0.05 mg/Hg
Mercury in the particulate inhaled during 4 removals = 38 mg.
Total = 38,117 ug Hg per day.
![]() Assistant Secretary of Labor, OSHA
David Michaels PhD:
Everyone working around hazardous
chemicals and other toxic substances has a
right to know of possible dangers and how
to protect themselves.
By working with mercury amalgam fillings, dentists are breaking over half a dozen regulations by not adhering to occupational safety regulations. Details of these violations will be outlined in our film by several of the people we are following.
Employee’s you have the right to
Matt Young DDS:
when i was in dental school they never
taught me anything about protecting
myself or staff from dental mercury, and
how could they?
![]() Dressed in required
personal protection equipment
Matt Young DDS:
No patient would believe amalgam is safe
if they saw how we have to protect
ourselves in order to adhere to
occupational safety regulations.
Matt Young DDS has presented these extreme levels of exposure from dental mercury to the Department of State and The American Dental Education Association.
Sue Casteel:
If you’re exposed to mercury we start
seeing much more serious health effects.
These health effects would be
![]() Marie Flowers |
Marie Flowers:
Chronic Fatgiue
Marie Flowers testified infront of the FDA’s dental product panel in both 2006 and 2010. Her 2010 testimony is below.
Freya Koss:
Double Vision
Her 2010 testimony is below.{youtube}4M3j5c0Xiik{/youtube}
![]() Matt Carpenter DDS
Matt Carpenter DDS:
I couldn’t sleep
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Randy DDS:
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Stephanie Bernier-Adamson:
Panic attacks
Stephanie Bernier-Adamson testified infront of the FDA’s dental product panel in 2010.
Her testimony is below.{youtube}70X_q6iqQlc{/youtube}
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Karen Palmer:
Memory loss
Karen Palmer testified infront of the FDA’s dental product panel in both 2006 and 2010. Her testimony is below.
Karen Burns:
A lowered immune system
Karen Burns testified infront of the FDA’s dental product panel in both 2006 and 2010. Her testimony is below.
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Linda Brocato:
Loss of vision
Linda Brocato testified infront of the FDA’s dental product panel in 2006 but was unable to make the 2010 hearings as the FDA gave very little notice. Her testimony is below.
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Diane Meyer DDS:
Chronic headaches
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Amanda Just:
I was so mentally confused and physically ill at the same time.
Amanda Just testified infront of the FDA’s dental product panel in 2010. Her testimony is below.
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Mike Fleming DDS:
It is both an immediate problem in some
people and a very long term problem in
Mike Fleming DDS, served on the FDA dental products panel in 2006 and 2010, comments on various aspects of dental mercury amalgam allergy.
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Stacy Case:
I started having neurological symptoms |
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Janet Stopka DDS:
I didn’t feel like a human being
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Matt Carpenter DDS:
In the deepest part of myself I
thought I was dying.
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Stephanie Bernier-Adamson:
People think you’re crazy, and you’re not
Stephanie Bernier Adamson shares her success using the Cutler Detox Protocol.{youtube}4XIDA89l5ks{/youtube}
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Stephanie Bernier-Adamson:
…you have mercury poisoning
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News Reporter, Lara Moritz:
Two schools will be closed tomorrow
after a custodian finds a small amount of
mercury on the floor of a room at Hickman
Mills Highschool
I included this news footage, reporting on a mercury spill to provide some context for people about how serious our government and public health officals take the issue of mercury exposure from the toxic vapors that are released from elemental mercury (the same kind of mercury found in dental amalgam). As outlined in this trailer, elemental mercury releases invisible, odorless and colorless toxic mercury vapors, thus the reason why the EPA recommended to close the school. EPA and ATSDR recommend an action level of 1.0 μg/m3, which triggers remediation if exceeded in indoor air, and a relocation action level of 10 ug/m3 for indoor air.
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News Reporter, Martin Augustine:
Now how much mercury are we talking
about ? Not very much. About the amount
the size of the eraser on this pencil
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News Reporter, Martin Augustine:
But, school officals explained to us, it would
only take the amount of mercury about
the size of the sharpened end of this pencil
to contaminate the entire building
The argument surrounding the safety of dental mercury amalgam has always been focused specifically on the long-term use of the product while ignoring the huge acute exposures to staff and patients during the placement, polishing, and removal of mercury fillings. The exposure from these routine dental procedures violate occupational safety regulations, manufacturer warnings and exceed air levels at which people are relocated from their residences.
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Boyd Haley PhD:
A toxin that can do the effect, you have
it placed within inches of your brain
Boyd Haley P.h.D. discusses the findings of his published studies (and others), which showed that mercury and only mercury can cause the major biochemical hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease and how the NIH stopped his funding after he published those findings.
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Mike Fleming DDS:
They’ve never done any safety studies on
this product
Mike Fleming DDS has a unique insight to the controversy surrounding amalgam fillings as he served on the FDA’s dental product panel in both 2006 and 2010.
Dental amalgam has been determined by FDA to be an implant and as a result, it must be placed in Class III unless there are adequate data and information establishing safety and effectiveness. For 33 years the FDA dodged properly classifying dental amalgam as it was grandfathered in without proof of safety. Manufacturers of amalgams have never performed any safety studies on this product. The FDA lost a 2007 lawsuit which forced them to classify amalgam (determine safety), but the final rule of the classification was a huge disappointment as it declared the mercury vapor released from amalgam fillings to be safe for anyone and everyone, without regard to age, reproductive status, or any of the known factors that make a person unusually susceptible to the effects of mercury exposure. {youtube}fd8_diEkjyA{/youtube}
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Congresswoman Diane Watson:
Why is it that the ADA will not tell the public
that mercury amalgam is harmful ?
The ADA has gone infront of government many times to proclaim the safety of dental amalgam. Additionally, the ADA fights any and all regulations concerning amalgam at the local, state and federal levels.
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Ada Cooper:
Frankly the American Dental Association
welcomes new looks at all of the dental
restorative materials
The ADA filmed and release a video news release (VNR) of Ada Cooper making statments promoting the safety of mercury fillings. There is no onscreen interviewer asking tough, pointed questions.
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Boyd Haley PhD:
The American people are being overtly lied
to by the American Dental Association and
the dental branch of the Food and Drug
In 2008 a group of widely published mercury researchers took two dozen new studies indicating harm from mercury vapor emitted from dental amalgam fillings to FDA’s associate commissioner of science, Norris Alderson. While Alderson told them he agreed with them, he stated he couldn’t do anything about it unless they (the researchers) got the American Dental Association to agree with them.