The survey is in English.
2-Fill in your name, email, country, and whether you’re responding as an individual or as an official representative of an organization.
3-The CRITICAL QUESTION on the future of toxic dental mercury is Number 6. The World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry urges you to make the choice to PHASE OUT dental mercury in the EU. This is the choice that will protect your family and assure a cleaner and healthier Europe.
Experts agree, the other option on Question 6, phasing down dental mercury, will NOT have the impact of a PHASE OUT, slow down our progress and result in more decades of tragic health and environmental problems. PHASE DOWN is the WRONG choice for the EU.
4- The survey then asks you “why” you support the PHASE OUT of dental mercury. You may skip this question or answer it. If you respond, let EU officials know why, in your own words, you believe the PHASE OUT of dental mercury is important to you and your family.
5. When you’ve answered the questions, scroll down to bottom of the survey form and be sure to Type the Text — the numbers shown in the photograph. (This is to weed out robots.)
6. Then click the blue “Submit” button to cast your vote to PHASE OUT dental mercury.
Congratulations. You’ve made a big difference.