Dr. Thomas Evans, DDS, AIAOMT
Evans Dental Health & Wellness is a mercury-free, mercury-safe, fluoride-free holistic dental practice located in Calgary AB Canada. Dr. Thom Evans has 35+ years experience focusing on complete health dentistry, making bio-compatible material choices when restoring damaged teeth and also placing emphasis on the ’Oral Systemic Connection’. He is passionate about educating patients so that they can make informed choices about their dental needs and their overall health. http://www.evansdentalhealth.com
Dr. Evans is a founding member of IAOMT, IABDM and also AAOSH.
Dr. Evans is the dentist that Dr. Murray Vimy chooses to visit for his own dental care and is trusted by health practitioners for the care of their patients.
Your mouth is the gateway to overall health and wellness. Research continues to demonstrate that infection and toxicity in the mouth is linked to higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and many other systemic diseases and inflammatory chronic conditions. The unique protocols at Evans Dental Health & Wellness maintain:
• Systemic Health / Toxicity
• Healthy Gums
• Healthy Teeth
• Healthy Habits
• Cosmetic Health
• Healthy Bite / Mouth / Jaw
Dr. Evans serves his community and church and enjoys hiking, cross country skiing, kayaking and keeping busy with his family of 8 children and 23 grandchildren.