Dr. Melina Roberts ND of Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre in NW Calgary is proud to be presenting the Canadian debut of the ground breaking documentary, Evidence Of Harm by film maker Randall Moore.
We are exposed to heavy metals in our foods, our environment, our water supply, personal care products, cosmetics, and in vaccinations, but one of the worst culprits of chronic mercury exposure is through our dentistry. Specifically, those so called “silver” amalgam fillings, which are actually made up of from 30% to 50% mercury, constantly release mercury vapours into your bloodstream and our bodies.
Heavy metals in any form at any level are toxic to our bodies and they’re just not meant to be in our systems.
Heavy metals have an affinity for the nervous system. They’re known neurotoxins which means they destroy cells of the nervous system. They bioaccumulate in our tissues; therefore can accumulate over a lifetime. Chronic mercury exposure can affect people very differently.
Mercury can greatly affect the function of various systems of our bodies including our brain, our kidneys, our immune and hormonal systems, and our cardiovascular system.
Join Dr. Roberts at a free screening of Evidence Of Harm on Thursday April 21st at 7:00pm in NW Calgary AB at The Silver Springs Golf and Country Club – 1600 Varsity Estates Dr NW
Learn more about heavy metal toxicity and the ways that you can take control of your health.