We find ourselves in New Jersey following the life of Karen Burns as she struggles to cope and deal with the various adverse health effects brought about by her exposure to large amounts of dental mercury without any protections, in her past occupation as a dental assistant.
Karen has worked with Consumers for Dental Choice as an outspoken advocate on the dental amalgam issue. She has traveled to many events and presented her story to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006 and 2010.
We can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we’ve figured out the audio problems wth our camera rig. But that doesn’t make the Franken-Cam any easier or lighter to carry around. One thing is for sure. Ty is getting a work out on every shoot we do together.
Karen brought out one of her books from when she was studying to be a dental assistant. She read to us the warnings about dental amalgam and potential mercury toxicity and what to be aware of when handling the toxic substance. I should have started my research by reading the books they are assigned in dental college.
UPDATE: Karen has indicated below that her text book from when she was first in school mentioned nothing of mercury safety. The information she read was in a book from when she went back to college (copyright 2001) that had the multiple warnings. I will post it here after I recieve the copy from Karen.