
While the trailer is turning out really great, some recent feedback we’ve gotten has us scrambling to make some last minute adjustments before releasing it for fundraising purposes.

Unfortunately in order to add the footage of ATSDR and the fetus we had to take out enogh footage to stay within out 3:30 time limit. The one clip that continually seemed to throw off our timing was of Amanda Just, talking about her symptoms of mercury toxicity. Amanda is a dear friend, who has always been very encouraging of our efforts, so it was no easy decision to make to remove her from the trailer.

We are also trying to find new cuts of music as what we have in the trailer currently, while functional, is too over the top. We spent a lot of time up front looking for the right cut of music, but never found anything we were 100% happy with. But in order to tart making some progress with editing we went with the current track. We always knew we’d have to revisit the music and that time has come.
After listening to many, many tracks of music we found one with enough variation and just the right tone to bring a more intimate feel to the “injured from mercury” section of the trailer. Brandon has been slicing the song up into sections and rearranging then so they flow with the edit and it has made a huge difference in bring a more personal feel to the second half of the trailer. Hopefully these efforts will allow the trailer to connect even more with viewers.
Here is the preliminary version of our trailer with the old “over the top” music, voice over narration and many other flaws. The final polished version is soon to come !