After a long hiatus, due to fundraising, the holidays and scheduling conflicts we are back in action, filming with the “patient” from our film, Stacy Case, a TV news anchor in Nashville Tennessee. Stacy had 4 fillings unsafely removed and was soon after diagnosed with symptoms of MS.
I’ve been looking forward to this shoot for multiple reasons. First and foremost I think Stacy has an incredible story. Second, our new Canon C100 camera came in. This camera uses the same lens as our previous camera, but also has XLR professional audio inputs. We are also using a NINJA 2, which will record to the format that works seamlessly with my AVID editing system.
Third, now that we have some money for the film, I was able to hire audio technician, Derryck Curchin, to come along and make sure we are capturing clean audio. Ty is relieved about this as now he can focus solely on running the camera.
Stacy was really wonderful to film with as she opened up all aspects of her life to us. This included home life, doctors visit and letting us come to work with her and film behind the scenes during her TV segments.