A Landmark Settlement Reached in Dental Amalgam Mercury Case
In October of 2014, a personal dental malpractice lawsuit was quietly settled out of court in favor of plainti...

Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings During Pregnancy Linked to Infant Cleft Palate
Women who have amalgam dental fillings placed during the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to give...

Mercury linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
In 2010 a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease reviewed over 100 studies linking mercury to e...

Oral lichen planus linked to dental mercury amalgam fillings
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, lichen planus affects between 1% and 2% of the Amer...

Children’s Amalgam Trial Data Fraud Exposed
Researchers Dr. Mark and David Geier show how the data from the "children's amalgam trial" studies, originally...

Evidence of Harm
Elemental mercury is one of the most toxic elements and it's implanted inches away from the brains of over 120...

IAOMT Mercury Safe Dentists
IAOMT stands for The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology an organization of dentists who saf...

Evidence supporting a link between dental MERCURY amalgam fillings and chronic illness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and suicide
Studies have shown that chronic Hg exposure from various sources including dental amalgams is associated with...

Tammy DeGregorio, DMD, NMD, AIAOMT
PUREDENT Inc. is a mercury-free, mercury-safe, fluoride-free holistic dental practice located in Shadyside, PA...

Garden State Film Festival
My goal has always been to create the most professional film I could, in order to make it easier for us to con...

Injured Dental Staff Janet Stopka
My name is Dr. Janet Stopka, DDS. I am a practicing dentist from Chicago. I have not used mercury as a restora...

Visualizing the invisible
One of the reasons this issue has gone on so long is because of the nature of mercury vapor. It is colo...

Patient Exposure
The film features emotional stories from dental staff and patients whose health has been negatively impacted f...

IAOMT – New Jersey
Since this was our first big shoot, we chose to film at an IAOMT meeting because of the various speakers and the injured consumers who would be present. This was our first experience meeting... Read more